!Grabiela eres de 'especial belleza!
Comparable a la salida del 'sol'
!Grabiela eres de 'especial belleza!
Comparable a la salida del 'sol'
Que ilumina el jardín
y lo hace brillar.
Con variedad de hermosas flores.
Que envuelve del mejor perfume nuestros corazones de alegría de vida y colorido.
'!Así eres tu 'Grabiela!'
para tu familia y amigos
'Tesoro' que quisiéramos tener siempre en casa disfrutando tu esplendor.
y lo hace brillar.
Con variedad de hermosas flores.
Que envuelve del mejor perfume nuestros corazones de alegría de vida y colorido.
'!Así eres tu 'Grabiela!'
para tu familia y amigos
'Tesoro' que quisiéramos tener siempre en casa disfrutando tu esplendor.
Besitos de tu abuelita
Ligia G.![Foto: MI NIETA GABRIELA](https://fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xap1/v/t1.0-9/p526x296/10685517_10204299292139846_3108523310553695498_n.jpg?oh=d715fabb85e2762fdb7a1815c8dc0018&oe=548B8FAA&__gda__=1419713041_fdc6c2e5aa1e28829123f7d26a62be8c)
*Eye! GABY "God speaks to your spirit"
"I am 'Jesus' your faithful friend"
I extend my hands "
To make good ...
"In your 'heart' of great value"
I bought the cross for love 'Ti'
* Because I was always aware of love!
"From your loneliness and your pain"
Of your illness and your cry ...
"Clamor to get to my heart" to make you expected good today "
I saw your grief
I want to make peace joy life ...
And 'love' receive from a loving Father ...
'That will be with you for eternity'
a large family and always will ...
With 'Jesus' the King will not be alone!
"Never ever again"
Written By Ligia González
![Foto: MI NIETA GABRIELA](https://fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xap1/v/t1.0-9/p526x296/10685517_10204299292139846_3108523310553695498_n.jpg?oh=d715fabb85e2762fdb7a1815c8dc0018&oe=548B8FAA&__gda__=1419713041_fdc6c2e5aa1e28829123f7d26a62be8c)
"Gabriela" *Eres un jardín de las mejores flores bien cuidada y amada* |
"I am 'Jesus' your faithful friend"
I extend my hands "
To make good ...
"In your 'heart' of great value"
I bought the cross for love 'Ti'
* Because I was always aware of love!
"From your loneliness and your pain"
Of your illness and your cry ...
"Clamor to get to my heart" to make you expected good today "
I saw your grief
I want to make peace joy life ...
And 'love' receive from a loving Father ...
'That will be with you for eternity'
a large family and always will ...
With 'Jesus' the King will not be alone!
"Never ever again"
Written By Ligia González
Este comentario ha sido eliminado por un administrador del blog.
ResponderEliminarHay miles y formas de bellisima flores! pero 'Gabriela' eres la mas esplendorosa flor amada Si!, Especial con tu dulce fragancia y hermoso color brillante que embelleces todo lugar . Dios te bendiga siempre en Jesús. amen
ResponderEliminarMi nieta Gabriela de tu abuelita Ligia